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Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
total package's stealth ducati

Equipped with a motion activated shield that pops out of a device built in to the motorcycle as a hologram, it hardens and deflects whatever is coming. With harpoons and spheres for wheels, Total package when in control of the vehicle can use the whole sphere on each end, only downside is if he does not have control over the ducati, he spins around like a greased pig. Going at mach-12 at its fastest ,this motorcycle built by total package out of tech he stole from the navy is the fastest vehicle on the planet, it can break the sound bearer 11 times.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
total package: different past official story

Born to Rachel and Matt Spine in 1991, Rachet Spine always got perfect grades and always was the best techie, gymnast, artist, musician and overall student. When he was 12 something went terribly wrong and a man with a gun barged into a house one night and shot his father, nobody knows why but some people do know that after the shot was fired Rachel, Rachet and his little sister Kayla all woke up and Rachet approached the man and paralyzed him. After that, the man was arrested and Matt Spine brought to the hospital, as for Rachet, he felt good for defending his family but also felt bad knowing he had hurt somebody even someone as low as the mugger he mugged. From then on Rachet was monitored by the government and all his tests and physicals were different from everybody else's because he was secretly being trained by the navy.
6 years later.........
"Rachet Spine is the best navy seal there is!" the colonel says that all the time, I'm proud of myself but I do get sicka hearin' it. "I'm Rachet Spine, and as you can guess, i work for the navy.I've worked here since 2009 and i don't get out of this 'till 2013. I'm gonna tell you what I'm particularly proud of that i did in may on sunday night, 30 days ago." Believe it or not, i traveled into Abbotabbot, Pakistan and shot the famous sun of a gun, Bin Laden and killed him. "Tonight I plan on sneakin' out, only 2 years serving but I actually want a chance at college."
2 months later: I used to be a proud navy seal, now I'm Bussel city's best assassin by the name of Total Package
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
total package : glimpse of a different past.
"Rachet Spine is the best navy seal there is!" the colonel says that all the time, I'm proud of myself but I do get sicka hearin' it. "I'm Rachet Spine, and as you can guess, i work for the navy.I've worked here since 2009 and i don't get out of this 'till 2014. I'm gonna tell you what I'm particularly proud of that i did in may on sunday night, 30 days ago." Believe it or not, i traveled into Abbotabbot, Pakistan and shot the famous sun of a gun, Bin Laden and killed him.
2 months later: I used to be a proud navy seal, now I'm Bussel city's best assassin.
Monday, July 11, 2011
inceptionator and ripcord

One day in the year 3008, a married couple, for some reason, not known to the A.I.C or advanced intelligence committee had a baby that they named Henry Mores. Henry was raised well, he was even treated nicely at school, until Jr. High when he got a little punched around by the school bully. That is when everybody discovered his power to incept, though they weren't thinking very long inceptionators blast had killed every one in a 7,000 mile range. While Henry moped and tried to get his powers back so he could save everyone, a boy with the name of Lance Mores came up to him and suddenly Henry's powers worked and every thing was back to normal. Now Henry's powers had really kicked in and he read the past of Lance and figured out that they were brothers(this will be explained at the end of this post). They wen't back to thier house but thier parents were dead "it must've happened in the blast", uttered Lance. "But I healed everyone". "I guess the radius of the respawn wasn't as powerful as the blast". Then, Lance sat on a high chair that for some reason had a missing leg and fell backward, but before he could hit the ground he teleported to saftey and then when the chair fell, a beam of light shot from his hands and picked up the chair but as he was doing that a chandelier fell and crashed, Lance then rewound time and saved the chandelier. "three powers in one?!" Henry was astounded. From then on they trained and became heroes, Henry became Inceptionator and Lance became Ripcord.Now the reason inceptionators powers worked is because of Ripcords kinetic pulse. The reason Ripcord didn't die in the explosion is because his power of how he can revolve and travel around time and he stuck him in time legimately and time went by around him. It is very much a mystery how ripcord is blood to inceptionator and vise versa.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Bussel City (df's made up place, cause every comic company has to have one :)
Well bussel city was a huge costumed vigilante level 10 security island. The people in it were referred to as the "stockades". They had a huge rebellion almost every single stockade guard (referred to as "stalkes sta-kies) went out of control and there was a ferocious battle.The other civilians just live on bussel with normal lives. there are many more cults, hero groups, and tribes in bussel. Some protect the normal civilians from the stockades(like the resistance, a crime fighting group of teens), others, not so much.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Young Falcon and Nanotech
As you know everyone has a childhood, well so did Nanotech and Falcon and they had plenty of exiting adventures and we will give you a few to come.........................................................................................................................
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Hello all fans of DF we would love to have talented souls (Please be a friend of one of us)(refer to an older post to know who works here) to join us please copy and paste the following in a comment below:
Name a character you have created (Describe him):
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Monday, January 3, 2011
the heroes (rags to riches or maybe vise versa)
These two kids John .K. Grosset codename:FALCON and Daniel Macaphee codename NANO TECH definitely lived heres the story: Well , wheres to start Falcon is a rich, unmodest, spoiled, ambitous 12 year old. His best friend Daniel Macaphee is a stubborn, poor,and ambitous 11 year old and their story starts with the cia. Falcon was the c.i.a's best young operative member, period He was always equiped with a revolver and long black robe. He had black hair, blue eyes hidden behind his black glasses, and a hell of a lot of skill. Nano tech on the other hand ,equipped with his hand, but its metal and has wires and spikes that can trick out any vehicle known to man or to any other species.He also has the power to shoot out the spikes. he weres a black hoddie that hides his black hair died red and has some major agility.(F.Y.I the c.i.a HATES him.)
-------------------------------------THE STORY-----------------------------------------
On a top secret government project FALCON needs to go check out a laboratory across the state and get these metal nanites , nanites are little microscopic nano bites that hold bio chemicals. FALCON, being a good friend invites daniel along with him . when they get to the building , with little trouble they get what they came for but Daniel hurts himself and to heal his wound the nanites crawl up his arm and make a permanent metal shell ,
and then the nanites get into his pores. There you have it Daniel is now NANOTECH. from then on to the age of 40 they fought together, with NANOTECH's power and skill, and FALCON's super super awesome skill, they were unbeatable. Well unbeatable perhaps until HE showed up ,the evil Kondax,or the evil emperor. Kondax took over the continent. NANOTECH and FALCON pursued Kondax , on top of the secret lair of Kondax FALCON grabbed him and jumped. NANOTECH tried to save FALCON but Kondax'es drones pulled him back. Kondax and FALCON now lie dead on the street. NANOTECH then found FALCONS son in a building that Kondax used to run his nefarious plots .Richard was the sons name and he was inside the building being tortured .NANOTECH saved Richard . the two them didn't trust each other for a while but after that while, they did. Finally NANOTECH had a son, Michael and then Richard and Mike became the new generation . Years later NANOTECH was in his auto-shop while Richard and Mike were fighting bad guys. These other guys walked down the street towards the auto shop, the guys were going after NANOTECH Rich and Mike tried to stop the men, the men knocked the two boys out unconscious. When they came to, 2 hours later they rushed to the shop , there they saw NANOTECH on the ground, he had been beaten to death. Mike swore that he would get revenge, Rich held him back, and they went to get a doughnut.
explanatory upgrades part 2

well, what can i say , it was fun doing the first explanatory post so i stuck with it.
so i concluded last time with MSSB being a figment of my imagination , it still is.
what if i said that with this stuff you could mess up the entire human anatomy. that is what happened to shockwave in my story mutant mafia (*read mutant mafia.)
with MSSB you can morph your body into different parts and possibilitys, those possibilitysare endless , elephant head (like on the right)weird eyes, long neck or tongue , two tongues mutant abilitys, mechanical parts, and more .
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