One day in the year 3008, a married couple, for some reason, not known to the A.I.C or advanced intelligence committee had a baby that they named Henry Mores. Henry was raised well, he was even treated nicely at school, until Jr. High when he got a little punched around by the school bully. That is when everybody discovered his power to incept, though they weren't thinking very long inceptionators blast had killed every one in a 7,000 mile range. While Henry moped and tried to get his powers back so he could save everyone, a boy with the name of Lance Mores came up to him and suddenly Henry's powers worked and every thing was back to normal. Now Henry's powers had really kicked in and he read the past of Lance and figured out that they were brothers(this will be explained at the end of this post). They wen't back to thier house but thier parents were dead "it must've happened in the blast", uttered Lance. "But I healed everyone". "I guess the radius of the respawn wasn't as powerful as the blast". Then, Lance sat on a high chair that for some reason had a missing leg and fell backward, but before he could hit the ground he teleported to saftey and then when the chair fell, a beam of light shot from his hands and picked up the chair but as he was doing that a chandelier fell and crashed, Lance then rewound time and saved the chandelier. "three powers in one?!" Henry was astounded. From then on they trained and became heroes, Henry became Inceptionator and Lance became Ripcord.Now the reason inceptionators powers worked is because of Ripcords kinetic pulse. The reason Ripcord didn't die in the explosion is because his power of how he can revolve and travel around time and he stuck him in time legimately and time went by around him. It is very much a mystery how ripcord is blood to inceptionator and vise versa.
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