Born to Rachel and Matt Spine in 1991, Rachet Spine always got perfect grades and always was the best techie, gymnast, artist, musician and overall student. When he was 12 something went terribly wrong and a man with a gun barged into a house one night and shot his father, nobody knows why but some people do know that after the shot was fired Rachel, Rachet and his little sister Kayla all woke up and Rachet approached the man and paralyzed him. After that, the man was arrested and Matt Spine brought to the hospital, as for Rachet, he felt good for defending his family but also felt bad knowing he had hurt somebody even someone as low as the mugger he mugged. From then on Rachet was monitored by the government and all his tests and physicals were different from everybody else's because he was secretly being trained by the navy.
6 years later.........
"Rachet Spine is the best navy seal there is!" the colonel says that all the time, I'm proud of myself but I do get sicka hearin' it. "I'm Rachet Spine, and as you can guess, i work for the navy.I've worked here since 2009 and i don't get out of this 'till 2013. I'm gonna tell you what I'm particularly proud of that i did in may on sunday night, 30 days ago." Believe it or not, i traveled into Abbotabbot, Pakistan and shot the famous sun of a gun, Bin Laden and killed him. "Tonight I plan on sneakin' out, only 2 years serving but I actually want a chance at college."
2 months later: I used to be a proud navy seal, now I'm Bussel city's best assassin by the name of Total Package
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