Hello all fans of DF we would love to have talented souls (Please be a friend of one of us)(refer to an older post to know who works here) to join us please copy and paste the following in a comment below:
Name a character you have created (Describe him):
What do you specialize in:
Will you be able to participate often:
Will you be able to make at least 1 character a week:
Name a character you have created (Describe him):
I created Zona Zombie. He is part man, part zombie and part Canadian. He lives along a river north of a very large metropolis and in addition to not being a US citizen and saying "a" after every sentence, he has the power to see what people are thinking, just before they start to think it. Right now, he sees his creator about to think and scream out the word "WASABI!!!!!!" How impressive is that?
What do you specialize in:
I specialize in tormenting my nephew.
Will you be able to participate often:
As often as I possibly can!! I would not miss any opportunity to participate in online chaos with my nephew or any sworn and faithful follower of DF.
Will you be able to make at least 1 character a week:
One character a week is pushing it maestro! I can pledge this. For every 2 characters posted on the blog by a person with the last name, Giordano, I will make one character within 14 days of said posts. Deal?
here's a character I thought of. His name is Rafe Olsen, and he's a regular college student. One day he goes to bed in his bed and then wakes up in his couch. Another day he's walking home from campus and it's taking forever and he wishes he was there already, and suddenly he's standing outside his front door. He realizes that he has the ability to teleport. Then he finds that he's being stalked like a prey by alien hunters. Fortunately, he's very hard to catch because he can teleport.
His teleporting powers make him invincible for a few seconds after teleporting, but they also make him sleepy the more he teleports. So, forexample, if he teleports into the path of a bullet, it will bounce off of him, and if he teleports into a wall or the ground by accident, he'll create a hole in it shaped like whatever part of him was in the ground, wall, etc... So if he teleports into a person, he creates a hole in them too, which can be very dangerous.
And as for the sleepy part, if he teleports enough times in a short period of time (like 15 times in 1 hour), he won't be able to stay conscious, he'll just pass out and sleep (for at least another hour).
- Phlip
Here is my next character. His name is Stich McFitch. He is from a small suburb of Boston. To say he is from Boston, is a stretch as there is nothing big city about him. He was raised by his mother Clara. He has never met his father and his mother will never speak of his Dad. As Stich begins his journey toward adulthood, he begins to pick up on some interesting traits. As a child, he never broke a bone, despite how active and aggressive he was. And when Stich would get a cut or a bruise, it would be gone the next day. Stich had a pretty high school career. He flew under the radar - was neither in detention or at the top of his class. People were drawn to him. But not for his charisma, like you would think. More often than not, the people drawn to Stich were sick or injured. Often after spending time with Stich, his "followers" would often miraculously heal or get rid of a disease or disability. However, every time Stich seemingly saw someone heal, he would witness someone he does not like get ill or even die. Stich began to witness this pattern in his life and he was scared that he might have the power to hurt people, while at the same time, the power to heal. This recognition of power, made Stich curious as to its source. He began a drastic search for his father. One night, while going through his closet, he found an old book. In the book, a dog eared page he found. Next to this page, was a note. The note, was a small map of a park near where Stich was told he was born. He traveled to the Park, to find a large oak that was referenced on the map. At the base of the oak, under the roots and several inches of dirt, there laid a capsule. Stich grabbed a rock and broke the lock on the capsule. Inside, he found a note that read. "You are a healer. You are the reaper. Use these powers for good. If only I had done the same, I would be with you to this day. Stay on the path. Love, Dad." With this information, Stich knew, he has to use his power wisely. He worked hard and applied to medical school. He was at the top of his class. People were amazed by his innate ability to heal. A military like man dressed in street clothes approached him in a science lab late one night during his residency. Stich was alone. The military man, never would say his name, but delivered this message. "You are the chosen one. Lead or die." Something in Stich, knew that this was a path that he must follow. He followed the man, at his command, to the outskirts of his little town, and there, he found a team of 10, disfigured military troops, each with a distinct look. He learned that he was the one person they needed to complete their team, to save the world from despair and ruin. They had a list of people that needed the teams help and a list of people that needed to be destroyed. Stich went to work, but concentrated his power so as to not hurt or kill anyone that did not truly deserve it. To be continued......
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