Mutant Mafia
[ this will be narrated by the main character.]: the leader criminal yelling at us didn't help my uneasy feeling. Why ? because I am a mutant, him and his team were all human and also because of what these criminals were doing and what they wanted from us,they wanted to make living weapons out of us . we were all teens even so, i did not want to do this i, of course was freaked but everybody so far had survived the process of this thing ,so why wouldn't I ? it turned out the procedure really hurt, they injected me with mutant super serum blood or M.S.S.B. for short ,it turned my skin blue and my eyes webbed. it felt as if there were needles stuck in me, oh wait there were .i felt a major headache coming on , this did not feel good. when i got out we were all upgraded (me and the mutants)the only thing was that we weren't under the criminals control so eventually we all ended up killing them. since me and the rest of the mutants were still different, we went our separate ways but not before heading back to jersey together. once we all got there we parted but it wasn't long before there was a throw down in the streets of jersey . Even though I had powers, my friend handed me a gun for the fight. Almost everybody there was a mutant. The ones who weren't, were armed well. I regret letting the criminals take me in to upgrade my powers in the first place. And why I had agreed to the fight, I'll never know. One of my friends had gotten shot. The person who just shot him ended up running away from me. When I saw the fear in that guys eyes, I dropped the gun, stepped on it, and left with my shot buddy left dangling over my shoulder. I saved my friend from death with my healing powers, but we were still all teenagers. I crashed at my buddies place that night, I still wasn't ready to admit to my parents that I had gone all psycho-mutant. To this day I'm still not sure how the fight ended but my friend told me that nobody actually had won. we all ran away . i even forgot my name, and since i had powers i wanted to use them for good. i now go by the name shockwave .I am a superhero ,i made myself a costume and i know that with great power comes great responsibility. it seems appropriate to call the fight a mafia . but thats behind me now . i now defend jersey from nut cases with powers not unlike my own . but i became who i am today because a lot of people will sleep better with me defeating evil.
1 comment: took me A LONG time to get updated on your blog but it's AWESOME!!! I can't wait for you to post more so I can read all about your adventures...and when are you going to tell us what happened to Bob Stretch's brother?!? I LOVE YOU!
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